Ubuntu is hiring (2022.02)
Canonical(Ubuntu) is hiring (2022.02)!!https://grnh.se/caf5ff9a1Remote based(working from home):DevOps Engineerhttps://boards.greenhouse.io/canonical/jobs/3290946?t=caf5ff9a1Linux Engineer, Japanhttps://boards.greenhouse.io/canonical/jobs/3281532?...…
Linux Laptop Power Consumption
Do you know the power consumption of your Linux laptop is less than a bulb?Do you know the power consumption of your Linux laptop is less than a bulb? Let’s talk a bit about it.The compliances related to power consumption we encountered during Lin...…
Nvidia Rtd3 In Ubuntu
Background從上一篇 Nvidia runtime PM. Nvidia 從 r450開始對某些卡支持 runtime PM.那某些是那些? 可以在 Nvidia 官方driver 自帶的 supported-gpus.json 看到。例如裡面指出 DID 0x1E04,有支持 runtimepm: { "devid": "0x1E04", "name": "GeForce RTX 2080 Ti", ...…
BackgroundEven it’s already very easy to run Ubuntu on any X86 machine, it sometimes still struggling when some device (e.g. wifi, bt ..etc.) failed to work.And also even we can just pick one of Ubuntu certified machines, but there still different...…
This post is used to collect topics I would like to share but not yet have time doing that. How’s Nvidia run on Ubuntu? what’s performance mode, on-demand mode and powersaving mode? How to find a machine that Linux supported well? Do you know y...…
Nvidia runtime PM
Background The latest Nvidia drivers are maintained on Ubuntu archive. (e.g. nvidia-graphics-drivers-450) Ubuntu’s nvidia-prime provided a convenient interface selecting on-demand, nvidia or intel mode. User can easily assign Nvidia ren...…
FingerPrint supporting : goodix
BackgroundTo support fingerprint on Ubuntu, the function is supported by libfprint.As usual, not every device vendor supports Linux for their device.The ways supporting a FP device on libfprint are: Device vendor contribute their code to libfprin...…
Secureboot in OEM image(Dell)
Background Stock Ubuntu will trigger interactive process to enroll MOK while user install a DKMS. (refer to DKMS_SecureBootOn1804 and moke_enroll_stock_ubuntu) OEM image might preload DKMS by request for functions (e.g. Nvidia, iwlwifi..etc). T...…
Ubuntu is hiring
Canonical(Ubuntu) is hiring!!https://grnh.se/caf5ff9a1Taipei office base:Software Engineer - devices enablementhttps://grnh.se/c3e830a51usSoftware Engineer - Certification teamhttps://grnh.se/58c2987c1usLinux Kernel Engineerhttps://grnh.se/94f7c04...…
buy a certified Ubuntu machine - secret of point release
"Ubuntu CD cover"by Fotografie di Bernardo. is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0BackgroundFollowing another post “buy a certified Ubuntu machine”, there’s a forum post shared OEM image of XPS 13 9380. So, let’s based on that image to check what’s the di...…
buy a certified Ubuntu machine
BackgroundRefer to the Ubuntu certification page, there are hundreds of machines has been certified. But as an end user, it’s still very hard to buy one. So I’m thinking about how to manually make the environment as close as the preloaded image on...…
LVFS and fwupdmgr
LVFS(Linux Vendor Firmware Service) is a way to update firmware (e.g. BIOS, host TBT firmware, device TBT firmware … etc.)And the tool to do that is fwupdmgr which came from fwupd, so this post is to share the experience on using fwupdmgr.let’s ta...…
preload Ubuntu 的筆電有什麼不同?
記得早期買電腦的時後,可以選擇不要 OS (通常就是 Windows), 可以便宜幾千元,但現在似乎沒有這個選項了,基本上就是預載 windows 作業系統。如果想要買預載其他作業系統的通常都不太好找, 以小魯為一個攻城獅來說,其實比較常用的是 Linux 界的 Ubuntu 系統。所以預載 Ubuntu 的筆電,是一個不錯的選項,但一定會有人說,上網抓 official release 就好了呀,幹嘛那麼麻煩 ?是的,我以前也是這樣想,所以想來比較一下,預載和 official publ...…
notification in background
在背景執行的程式如何透過跟使用者的互動以通知或是獲得下一步的指示,目前我用過的方法有下列幾個,如有其他的再請分享:依情境分類: 在同一login account 中執行的程式要通知 user xterm gnome-terminal notify-send zentify 在背景跑的 root 程式要通知 user, 但同時可能有多個 user 登入 wall - 只有 terminal 會收到 b...…
debian package: debconf
想在 user 裝 package 時, 讓使用者設定可以有幾個方式: dialog - 只能作用於本地安裝 (dpkg -i) debconf - 透過 archive/ppa 安裝時有效 (dpkg -i 安裝時無效)dialog 不用說了,debconf 的話可以參考 webupd8team 的 java installer, 及 The Debconf Programmer’s Tutorial, 或是我的小測試(小測試2).其主要是用 /debian/templates用以宣...…
wrap stuff in debian package
大家都知道在 Ubuntu 上,可以在 launchpad 上申請 ppa 以方便讓人直接用 apt 安裝 package ,如果想讓使用者安裝 package 時作一些其他安裝也可以放在 debian/postinst,但如果想讓使用者安裝別家公司的 private build debian package呢? 問題是 apt 執行中無法再執行另一個 apt 怎麼辨呢?目前想到的方法是: 透過 service 在後面用裝 xxx.service 重新開機後自動安裝 autoco...…
In GPU-journey-install-nvidia-drivers, we talked about how to pack a new nvidia driver for Ubuntu.But I just realized that there is a better convenient way to do those stuff.All the packages on ppa were came from the template hosted on github:http...…
Step2. prepare environment and installThis series posts are intend to collect the knowledge which I gathered while trying Arch Linux.And the planned posts would be step3. customize archlinuxOutline of this post create bootable media partitionin...…
Step 1. background knowledge.This series posts are intend toAnd the planned posts would be __step2. prepare environment introduce the ways on VM introduce the steps to i __step3. customize archlinuxOutline of this postterms i...…
How to install Nvidia driver.The office driver released by nvidia are in shell script form.So, how to install them on Ubuntu? there are some ways to do that:install from unofficial ppaThis is the easiest way. There is a ppa which repack official r...…